Apostle Paul, Calvin, civil government, John Chrysostom, Jonathan Mayhew, Karl Barth, Luther, Origen, Matthew Henry, N. T. Wright, political theology, Romans 13Abstract
St. Paul the Apostle and Obedience to Secular Power. A Brief History of the Interpretation of Romans 13:1-7
In the New Testament writings we do not find any political theory, but only a few spontaneous advices addressed by the sacred writers to their recipients when they have faced certain challenges in dealing with the authorities. But the history of humanity did not end with the first century of our era. Over time, Christendom was forced to change its attitude towards its earthly existence and eventually formulated various theological and political views. No other text in the New Testament has been exploited in this respect like Romans 13:1-7. In this study we will go through the interpretations given to this biblical passage by some of the great thinkers of the Church, whom we consider representative for the theological-political reflection in their times. Through the diachronic presentation of these fragments of biblical exegesis, we seek first of all to observe the contribution that this text has had to shaping the political-religious vision of the Church in different periods of its historical evolution. Subsidiarly, we seek to observe, to the extent permitted by the limits of this study, whether things were vice versa, that is, whether the interpretations of the text were shaped by the historicalpolitical contexts in which they were formulated.
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