dedication, liberty, barriers, didactic communication, dignityAbstract
The Teacher's Dignity in the Actual Context
We propose to continue the approach of the educational act from the perspective of the actors’ relationship, may it be teacher, student or parent. Our goal is to identify the main constraints, difficulties and the possible solutions to shaping the upright and worthy of the professorship teachers’ image. Because education is a durative process, its existence being under the direct influence of the elements with which it interacts, it is necessary in this triad that everyone should participate in this shaping the future responsible, honest and professional citizens such that they can be treated with dignity and respect by identifying the situations which, in this context, could bring about dignity. We will expose the main obligations and responsibilities which derive from the approach with the dignity of the educational act, following whether dignity is a duty or an obligation. Thus, we will define the terms, we will study some concrete cases related to the teacher’s / parent’s / student’s dignity and we will observe how can the dignity for the professorship be regained.
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