A Historical-Sophic analysis of church-state relations in Ukraine


  • Mikola Scherban The Orthodox Theological Academy, part of the Faculty of the Philosophy of the „Iu.Fedekovici”, The Orthodox Theological Academy Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Україна, 58004, м. Чернівці, вул.Краматорська, 1в


Church, State, Bolsheviks, power, ideology, law


The author proposes a comprehensive retrospective analysis of principles and fundamental trends in the sphere of church-state relations in the context of defining the essence of the causal relationship identified between the problems currently identified in the process of state building and the remains of the Soviet ideology, a phenomenon which characterizes the modern stage of reconstructing the Ukrainian society.



How to Cite

A Historical-Sophic analysis of church-state relations in Ukraine. (2017). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 1(1). https://jurnal.constiintasilibertate.ro/index.php/freedom/article/view/30