
  • Drd. Gabriel-Constantin Nicola University of Oradea, Romania




students, risk situation, families, counseling


A perspective on the rights and the need for counseling of students with parents going to work abroad.

Lack of emotional support and the absence of parents or just one of them can also lead to school problems, the child no longer concentrates, closes in on himself or becomes restless and sometimes no one has the power to control him. One of the solutions is the development and implementation of programs aimed at parental responsibility and  involvement in child development, optimization on the socio-emotional side of students, as well as increasing the child’s ability to adapt to the socio-economic reality of the family.


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O PERSPECTIVĂ ASUPRA DREPTURILOR ȘI A NEVOII DE CONSILIERE A ELEVILOR CU PĂRINȚI PLECAȚI LA MUNCĂ ÎN STRĂINĂTATE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(2), 324-332. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6561249