Human Rights, The Decalogue, Law, coexistence, liberty, dignity, protectionAbstract
Rules of interhuman coexistence presented both in the Decalogue and human rights.
Through this study, we will analyze God’s commandments from the Decalogue. Our focus will be on the second table, the one that regulates the rules of interhuman coexistence. For each rule, we will try to observe their correspondent in the Human Rights. Human rights have roots in The Laws of Moses, these laws that assure the right to freedom and dignity for each person. The Decalogue, besides the fact that it has a universal character, has been and it is a source of inspiration for the laws that defend the human rights. The Mosaic Law assures the right to freedom, non-discrimination, protection, a fair trial etc. By stating these laws, God has regulated the relationship of each Jew with Himself and the relationship between themselves. The idea of Human Rights has appeared and was jell at the same time with the evolution of the public freedoms. Those have involved not only their proclamation, but also a juridic guarantee and protection through international law, through this laws and normative acts, through constitutions, these have assured each one life, freedom and dignity for every person. These rights have the meaning to regulate interhuman relationship, in order not to reach the extreme solution of revolt against tyranny and oppression.
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