integrity, communism, Christianity, conflict, freedom, religion, totalitarian regimeAbstract
Integrity and Religious Freedom during the Communist Occupation in Romania
Through this article we want to see the fight for keeping the integrity of the Christians during the lack of religious freedom under the communist occupation. The believers had to choose between loyalty towards Christ or towards the communist leaders. The impose of the communist regime, in 1948, brings with it a drastic restriction of the religious freedom in Romania. For the church, a critical phase was about to begin in a society that denied God and willingfully propagated atheism. Communists saw in church a new instrument of control and manipulation, so as socialism continued to grow, the church was on the verge to disappear as institution. Even if the entire communist occupation was a „dark” period, in which the people that were departed from God, undressed themself of humanity and used all the repression methods to destroy the church, the Christians have
kept their integrity even if the religious freedom was missing.
*** Monitorul Oficial, anul CXVI, nr. 217 din 18 septembrie 1948.
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