university teaching methods, Romanian modern theology, new architecture of curriculum StatusAbstract
The orthodox theology within Romanian universities. Proposals and suggestions for future.
Exiled from the amphitheater of public universities, theological education at the university level în Romania remained confined to historical models hermetically isolated from everything that modern education meant. The air of change, felt in the interwar period (when the German model, infiltrated through the Faculty of Chernivtsi, tried to give a new vision) was quickly suppressed by the communist fog. In a so declared freedom of expression and in a sort of self management and determination, the universitarian education was in fact restrained to the single two enclaved universities (Sibiu and Bucharest), and having less and less contacts with the theological universities form Europe and from the entire world. So, the Romanian theological education remains unchanged from the beginning of 20th centrury and oriented more to the past than towards the future. And this situation, even today is quite similar. Although the number of disciplines has increased since the beginning of the last century, in reality the process is not due to a normal and natural growth in response to the modern systems of university education, but it was the result of the segmentation of some fundamental disciplines and the emergence of complementary disciplines. Starting from this reality, because of a considerable personal experience1, our article proposes some reflections on this issue, suggesting few solutions, and even some structural changes in the architecture of theological education, aimed at improving the quality of graduates.
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