school, pupils, religious peace, religious freedom, religious symbols, didactic regulationAbstract
Can voluntary and spontaneous prayer in a public school be banned because it disturbs religious peace?
United Kingdom: a school that brings together girls and boys from areas of London that are not easy (700 pupils in which all ethnic and religious backgrounds are represented), despite having been founded only recently, already has very high results thanks to a very strict didactic regulation that allows pupils to wear religious symbols but says nothing about the possibility of praying at school. Taking advantage of this regulatory vacuum, a Muslim pupil begins sua sponte to use the lunch break to recite the Islamic midday prayer, which is immediately widely followed and imitated; within a few days, the school introduces into the regulations a ban on praying at school, not in the name of ‘laïcité’, but because it would disturb school peace. She complains of the violation of her religious freedom, which the English Justice essentially upholds, distinguishing: the freedom to believe is absolute, but the freedom to manifest one’s faith must adapt to the circumstances, as indicated by the constant guidance of the CEDU.
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