
  • Conf. univ. dr. Adriana Florentina Călăuz Technical University Cluj-Napoca



education, religious freedom, pluralism, educational policies, community, rural, religious pluralism


Education Values for Rural Social Development.
A growing number of academic studies and policy strategies emphasize the role of education as a vehicle for local development. Education and training must be placed at the heart of the rural development agenda to help eradicate poverty and enhance human capacities for rural development. In order to achieve education plans at the national level, the needs of rural populations must also be identified. Pluralism can no longer be a transitory or reversible social phenomenon. It has now become a deeply rooted fact in our country in a multicultural and multi-religious sense. Both sociologists and social operators and teachers intend to make proposals in this regard based on their research and experience. The work includes general notions about the community (definitions, dominant relationships in the community). The culture of poverty and the culture of development, the characteristics of the two cultures, are described in detail. Also, a very important aspect is related to the development conditions of rural communities. The approaches of rural development programs are described. An analysis was made of modernity and tradition in the rural area. Also, the duties of the social worker in the field of rural development were surprised.


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Documente cu caracter juridic :

Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene

Declarația Universală a Drepturilor Omului

Convenția Internațională a Drepturilor Copilului

Convenţia Europeană a Drepturilor Omului

Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului

Constituția României

Pactul internațional cu privire la drepturile economice, sociale și culturale

Protecția internațională a dreptului la educație





How to Cite

VALORILE EDUCAȚIEI PENTRU O DEZVOLTARE SOCIALĂ RURALĂ. (2025). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 12(3), 228-246.