
  • Ps. drd. Florin Matei Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România



reconciliation, liberty, love, violence


Reconciliation as a Goal of Religious Freedom: an Analysis of Miroslav Volf ’s Perspective.
Mirosalv Volf is a Protestant theologian who has addressed the relationship between church and society. In this paper we will examine Miroslav Volf ’s perspective on religious freedom and reconciliation as the ultimate goal in a globalised and diverse society. The author builds his vision of religious  freedom on his personal experiences and his existential context, marked by  ethnic and religious conflicts. He argues that in order to understand religious  freedom correctly, we need to address reconciliation and inter-religious  dialogue as its foundation. The article explores two philosophical models of  freedom and reconciliation: the ‚oppression-liberation’ model and the  ‚scapegoat’ theory. I will argue that these approaches have their limitations  and can lead to the perpetuation of social problems and oppression. Volf ’s  proposal is an alternative vision, stating that love and mutual respect are the  fundamental values that should guide freedom and reconciliation. He emphasises the importance of a mindset of respect, embodying these values within a framework of freedom. Religious freedom, in Volf ’s view, should be promoted by the world’s religions because only in this way can reconciliation and dialogue between different religious beliefs be sustained. Love, respect  and dialogue therefore play a central role in promoting reconciliation and a  harmonious society in the age of globalisation. In the view shared by Miroslav  Volf, this is the context in which religious freedom makes society aim for a common good.   


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How to Cite

RECONCILIEREA CA SCOP AL LIBERTĂȚII RELIGIOASE: O ANALIZĂ A PERSPECTIVEI LUI MIROSLAV VOLF. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(3), 709-722.