education, attitude, neighbour, approach, Christian missionAbstract
Education by Approach: Developing Training-Development Principles in a Scriptural Context.
This study seeks to provide a working solution to the existence of inequalities and inefficiencies in the educational process of training and development of those who identify themselves as participants in this system. In the first part we will present, from a psychological point of view, the need for the existence of a good relationship within the educational process. The relationship and attitude will determine the efficiency with which it will be possible to work ithin a system that is intended to become better. In the second part of this tudy we will present the christian vision and mission as a working option in olving the educational crisis identified in our social context. In the last part we ill analyze principles of approach, as working models, in making the ducational process more efficient and improving this system drawing nspiration from the biblical message that Jesus Christ uses as a correction of a personal crisis developed by one who bore the title of teacher.
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