freedom, rights, crises, education, digitizationAbstract
Affirming Freedom and Human Rights in the Context of Global Crises - Education and Digitalisation.
In the context of global crises, the affirmation of freedom and human rights becomes important as a survival solution. To know how to behave in such situations, you must be a resident and a beneficiary of the educational climate. Education plays a fundamental role in promoting freedom and human rights. Through education, people can develop critical thinking skills and understand the importance of respecting their rights and the rights of others. Education should provide knowledge about human rights, develop understanding and empathy towards diverse cultures and promote equality and non-discrimination. And when digitization comes to the aid of the educational process, the chances increase unexpectedly. Access to digital technology provides opportunities to learn, communicate and access information in a free and non-discriminatory way. Digitalization also facilitates civic participation, creating platforms for free expression and social mobilization. However, we must be aware that access to technology is universal and non-discriminatory. At the same time, human rights must be protected and respected in the digital environment. Freedom of expression and privacy of personal data should remain fundamental principles and should not be compromised under the pretext of security or other reasons. With the help of these tools we can promote a society that is freer, more equal and more respectful of the fundamental rights of each individual.
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