patients’ rights, homeopathic medicines, EU legislation, authorization procedures, European medical traditionsAbstract
Considerations Regarding the Right of Patients to Choose Between Allopatic and Homeopathic Therapies. The Regulatory Framework of Homeopathic Medicines in the European Union.
Specific EU legislation for homeopathic medicines has deep roots in their widespread use in member states. Even before the introduction of the first EU legislation in 1992, homeopathic medicines were prescribed and used in all Member States. Regulation of these products dates back to 1967 in France and 1976 in Germany. Directive 92/73/EEC created specific provisions for homeopathic medicines, aiming to encourage free trade within the Community and patients’ freedom of choice. In this context, this article examines how to regulate homeopathic medicines at EU level to ensure the same high level of quality and safety as other medicines, while recognizing the importance of national traditions. At the same time, the article aims to analyze the state of implementation of European legislation at the level of the member states, taking into account the fact that, based on article 16 paragraph (2), they have the competence to keep or introduce specific rules for preclinical tests (tests pharmacological and toxicological) and clinical trials, in accordance with the principles and characteristics of homeopathy practiced in the respective Member State.
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