
  • Drd. Viorel-Dariu Cătană Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România




Bible, global crises, revelation, public space, transformation, Holy Scriptures values


Holy Scripture: Part of Divine Revelation and Its Relevance in the Context of Global Crises.
God’s revelation, one of the main themes in Christianity is actually the  fundamental of Christian belief and principles. The purpose of this paper is to  analyze the Word of God - the Bible as the revelation available to people  nowadays. I will try to prove that its place is in the public space and taking in  consideration the global crises circumstances, it is a must to know the reveled  truth. Despite its considerable antiquity, the Word of Holy Scripture  stays relevant in society even today. We will find a lot of answers to all  humankind existential questions by reading the Bible. The Word has the  power to transform people and give them a new meaning in life. The  resistance of the Bible to the changes that have taken place in the world  demonstrates its divine nature and the power that springs from revealed  truth. In this article, the author studies the Bible as a part of God’s revelation.  By highlighting this, the sacred writings are given normative value, being  beneficial to all who apply them in their life. It is emphasized that both history  and logic demonstrate that the evolution of society is closely related  o the religious context, the first promoters in science being faithful people  ho  used the Bible as a guide for their life. In the context of major global  crises, the Bible values are essential in order to resolve and reduce the  negative effects around the world. The values of the Bible are transcendent  and bring benefits to all communities of believers who have chosen to lead  their lives according to the divine principles, allowing themselves to be  shaped by the truth revealed in the Holy Scripture.  



• BIBLIA sau SFÂNTA SCRIPTURĂ, traducerea Dumitru Cornilescu, 1924.

Cărți, articole și reviste de specialitate:

• BARTH, Karl, Dogmatica Bisericii, București, Editura Herald, 2008.

• BRADSTOCK, Andrew, „The Bible and Public Theology”, în The Bible: Culture, Community, Society, ed. Angus Paddison, Neil Messer, Londra, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 171-188.

• BIRCH, Bruce C., „The Role of Scripture in Public Theology”, în Word & World 4.3/1984, pp. 260-268.

• CONSTANTINEANU, Corneliu, „Credința și viața publică. Formarea creștină pentru familie, biserică, muncă și societate”, în Poporul lui Dumnezeu și societatea, ed. Corneliu Constantineanu, Macel V. Măcelaru, Arad, Editura Universității Aurel Vlaicu, 2016, pp.161-180.

• METAXAS, Eric, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Nashville, Nelson Books, 2010.

• HANSON, Paul, „Scripture, Community and Spirit: Biblical Theology’s Contribution to a Contextualized Christian Theology”, în Journal of Pentecostal Theology 3, 6/1995, pp. 3-12.

• HANSON, Paul, „The Bible and Public Theology”, în A Companion to Public Theology, vol. 1, ed. Sebastian Kim, Kattie Day, Boston, Brill, 2017, pp. 23–39.

• MĂCELARU, Marcel, Suport de curs pentru disciplina Biblia in context, Arad, UAV, 2021-2022.

• MESSER, Neil / PADDISON, Angus, „The Bible and Public Policy: What Kind of Authority?”, în The Bible: Culture, Community, Society, ed. Angus Paddison, Neil Messer, Londra, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 190-209.

• OLARIU, Cornel, „Revelaţia divină”, în Altarul Banatului, 4-6/1995.

• ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, “Aspecte ale secularizării şi ale omului secularizat”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Orthodoxa, (2006), L-LI, nr.1, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, pp. 251-266.

• ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, “Spiritual lessons observed through the Coronavirus Crisis”, în Dialogo. Issue of Modern Man, 2020, vol.6, no.2, pp. 71-82.

• STĂNILOAE, Dumitru, „Revelaţia prin acte, cuvinte şi imagini”, în Ortodoxia, 3/1968, pp. 347-377.

• STĂNILOAE, Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă, vol. I, Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al Bisercii Ortodoxe Române, 2003, p. 30.

• STRANGE, Dan, „Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology”, în Themelios, 36.2/2011, pp. 238-260.

• TREBILCO, Paul, „Gospel, Culture and the Public Sphere: Perspectives from the New Testament”, în Evangel 24.2/2006, pp. 37-45.

• WRIGHT, N. T., God and the pandemic. A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath, Londra, Zondervan Reflective, 2020.

Surse WEB

• Despre deism, disponibil la https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism (accesat la data de 10.09.2023).

• Statistica despre traducerea Bibliei, disponibil la https://www.wycliffe.org.uk/about/our-impact/ (accesat la data de 11.09.2023).




How to Cite

SFÂNTA SCRIPTURĂ: PARTE A REVELAȚIEI DIVINE ȘI RELEVANȚA EI ÎN CONTEXTUL CRIZELOR GLOBALE. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(3), 524-536. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10680101