spirituality, spiritual crisis, values, pastoral counseling, Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
Christian Spirituality and Pastoral Counselling in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Spiritual crisis or spiritual urgency is a disorder recognized in the field of psychiatry as a psychological disorder involving a person’s relationship with a transcendent being or force. It may also involve issues of meaning or purpose in life. Spirituality is a fundamental feature of being human. This dimension of the human being needs to be cultivated, and sometimes, because of crises, certain disturbances in this area arise. One of the people to whom people turn when they experience spiritual problems is the priest, confessor or pastor. In this way, spiritual problems are given remedies through pastoral counselling. In the context of discussions about values, spirituality and religion need to be recognized as being at least as important as the other values assumed at an individual level. With this article, we try to highlight the importance of spirituality in the Christian context and pastoral counselling as a tool for cultivating and remedying the spiritual dimension, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic which has posed unexpected challenges in these areas.
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