
  • Drd. Corneliu Ben Buzguța Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România



liberal, fundamentalist, evangelical, neo-orthodoxy, crisis


The Theological Conflicts and Controversies of the 20th Century Viewed as a Pedagogue of the Crisis of Christianity Today.
This paper investigates the theological turmoil and controversies of the 20th century and examines them as a pedagogy for understanding the current  crisis in Christianity. After presenting the historical context of the 20th  century, the article explores the characteristics of Christianity at the turn of  the century and introduces liberal theology and its distinctive features. The  phenomenon of fundamentalism and the theological directions promoted as  a reaction to liberal theology are then analyzed. The controversy between the  liberal and fundamentalist currents is highlighted, with a mention of the  existing animosities between them. The article continues by defining and  discussing evangelicalism and evangelical theology. This dynamic and diverse  interdenominational Protestant movement is presented as different from the  two previous currents. Crisis theology, also known as neo-orthodoxy or  dialectical theology, is presented as a more moderate alternative approach to  the liberal-fundamentalism controversy. Neo-orthodoxy is also much more  academic highlighting its relevance in the current context. The last chapter  focuses on the pedagogy of the past and its relevance in addressing new  research directions. It emphasizes the importance of learning from history to  avoid repeating the mistakes of the past in the face of the current crisis of  excessive digitalization.  


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How to Cite

FRĂMÂNTĂRILE ȘI CONTROVERSELE TEOLOGICE DIN SECOLUL XX PRIVITE CA UN PEDAGOG AL CRIZEI CREȘTINISMULUI DE ASTĂZI. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(3), 318-345.