discrimination, excess mortality, inequality, mental wellbeing, racism, rights protection, rule of law, social exclusion, social isolation, work-life imbalance, xenophobiaAbstract
Human Rights in Crisis Situations. The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Equality and Social Rights.
In retrospect, there is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had, among other things, serious consequences for the exercise of social rights by citizens. Even if the extent to which they were affected was not equal, large segments of the world’s population faced an increased risk of poverty, problems related to employment, problems that affected digital infrastructure, healthcare, assistance social or even limitations in terms of access to education. Not to be neglected in the consequences chapter is the excessive mortality rate, limitations in terms of participation in social life or major imbalances between professional and private life, all consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the EU level, the European Commission made available to the member states, through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, a huge amount: 723.8 billion euros. Amount within which European states have proposed over 850 measures to improve the exercise of social rights, in the context of post-pandemic recovery. It remains to be seen the effectiveness of the measures adopted in the recovery and resilience plans in order to promote social rights. Or if the respective measures targeted the real dimension of the impact of the pandemic on equality and social rights.
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