fundamental freedoms, economic crises, unemployment benefits, political rightsAbstract
Opportunities for Strengthening Fundamental Freedoms in the Context of the Economic Crisis, the COVID-19 Crisis, the Energy Crisis, the Inflation Crisis and the Climate Crisis.
Fundamental freedoms refer to the essential individual rights under legal autarky that ensure people’s autonomy, safety and participation in society. These include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, rights to privacy and equality, and others. They are provided by constitutions or laws and are intended to protect citizens from abuses of state power or other individuals. In this article we will follow how social crises are reflected in the spectrum of fundamental human rights, how they are managed and what benefits and challenges they have brought to humanity. During an economic crisis, there are a number of challenges in maintaining and protecting people’s fundamental freedoms. These freedoms include the right to life, personal liberty, civil and political rights, the right to work and social protection. Right to life and safety: An economic crisis can affect the state’s ability to ensure the safety of its citizens. Governments must act to protect people’s lives and provide essential services such as healthcare and emergency services. Personal freedom: During economic crises, people may be affected by austerity measures or economic restrictions that may jeopardize their personal freedom. Governments must be careful about the balance between economic measures and protecting individual rights. Civil and political rights: In times of economic crisis, it is important that governments do not use the situation as a pretext to restrict citizens’ civil and political rights. Respect for the rule of law and the protection of fundamental freedoms remain crucial. The right to work and decent working conditions: Economic crises can lead to increased unemployment and lower wages. Governments should adopt measures to support the labor market and ensure decent working conditions for workers. Social protection: During economic crises, vulnerable people can be affected the most. Governments should increase efforts to provide social protection such as unemployment benefits, health care and other social services.
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