
  • Bianca-Maria Stoica Universitatea Ovidius Constanța



human freedom, global crises, exposure, balance, individual liberties, inclusivity


Architecture of Human Freedom – Exposing Human Rights in the Maelstrom of Global Crises.
The contemporary world is marked by a delicate balance between upholding individual freedoms and addressing global crises. Global challenges, such as pandemics, climate change, and major conflicts, have brought about significant changes in societal dynamics, including the realm of individual liberties. Although these crises necessitate urgent  and often restrictive measures to save lives and prevent environmental degradation, the impact on individual freedoms is inevitable. It is imperative to strike a balance between collective needs and protection of individual liberties during global crises. Through transparency, public consultation, and maintaining open dialogues with citizens,  governments can ensure trust and support for restrictive measures while still safeguarding fundamental freedoms within necessary limits to protect the common good. This paper explores the intricate interplay between global crises and the affirmation of freedom and human rights. It delves into the impact of global crises on individual liberties,  the protection of human rights during these challenging times, institutional responses, and the crucial role of the international community in upholding and promoting human rights. The study also emphasizes post-crisis measures to safeguard and advocate for human rights, thereby striving to achieve a world where human rights are upheld,  irrespective of circumstances.


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How to Cite

ARHITECTURA LIBERTĂȚII UMANE – EXPUNEREA DREPTURILOR OMULUI ÎN MARASMUL CRIZELOR GLOBALE. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(2), 543-555.