Postmodernism, Absolut truth, State and Church, Liberty of expressionAbstract
Freedom of Expression and Relativisation of the Truth in Postmodern Culture.
The effects of our thoughts is reflected in our behavior that is marked by instincts, teachings, experiences or the social-cultural group. The postmodernism open a new perspectives upon different types of relation between State and Church, about relation between absolute Truth and different views about interpretation of it. The postmodernism give a unique chance for free expression in what you think, say or do. Freedom of your own interpretation of personal experiences, represent your fundament of entire list of deeds. The absolute Truth is not any longer like a base for objective analyze of bad or wrong acts, only your personal interpretation is enough to define this actions. The postmodernism open the door for a long list of new terms that shown by the liberty of free expression without any barriers between cultures, classes or religion but in same way show by the sacrifice of truth for the wish of reinterpretation of it.
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