globalization, mission, evangelization, religious pluralism, challenges, opportunitiesAbstract
Christian Mission in a Global Context Challenges and Opportunities.
Since globalization is an obvious phenomenon, is it an obstacle or an opportunity for Christians to promote the values of the Holy Scriptures and take the Gospel message to the ends of the earth? Does it help them to fulfill the Great Commission or does it hinder them? While the negative aspects of globalization are many, visible and destructive, such as global economic crises, internationalization of violence, social maladjustment or religious pluralism, the positive aspects of globalization should lead Christians to see the unprecedented opportunities they have to reach the whole world with the Gospel. The ability to travel much more easily, quickly and cheaply to any part of the world, thanks to more efficient transport, is an asset worth considering for Christians taking into consideration worldwide mission. Thanks to their privileged status as members of the European Union, Romanians are able to take the message of salvation to countries where they were restricted before accession or were allowed to enter with great difficulty after obtaining a visa. Also, the ability to communicate more easily, quickly and cheaply can be an opportunity for Christians to spread the message of salvation. The fact that the English language is known almost everywhere, even if not by everyone, can be an extremely valuable asset for Christians. Moreover, whether they are missioning within the same cultures and languages, or going to take the Gospel to different cultures and languages, whether in their own country, on their own continent, or in other countries and on other continents, Christians have a responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission until Jesus Christ returns to take His Church home. Mission is not just for a special category of ministers, but is the calling and responsibility of every Christian.
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