Church, Catholicism, freedom, Holy See, perfect societyAbstract
A Perspective on the Affirmation of Ecclesiastical Freedom in Relation to the Secular: The Catholic Church – Perfect Society.
The study synthetically analyzes the way in which the Catholic Church, from antiquity to the present day, understood to defend its institutional freedom and that of its believers. Starting from the opinion of Tertullian who defined the ecclesial community as a corpus, to the letter of Gelasius to the emperor Anastasius who claims the pre-eminent role of the Church before the public power, highlighting the ideocratic triumph of the medieval Church, our analysis reaches modernity when the State begins to compete with the Church and to marginalize it. The Church retaliates and defines itself as a perfect society with a different dimension than the State, which, not taking care of the human soul, can only be an imperfect society, offering the individual no solution for his spiritual dimension. This concept of a perfect society ensures in relation to the State the legal possibility of manifestation of the Church and its freedom.
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