God, humanity, education, human rights, creation, sin, crisis, Jewish, ChristianAbstract
A Biblical Perspective on Jewish-Christian Education.
Human freedom and rights, in the context of education, are very important any time and in any place on earth, especially in the middle of social troubles or global crisis. Analyzing education from a Judeo-Christian point of view, requires clarification on what God, man and education are. According to this view, God has created man in his imagine as a perfect being with free will. The free will allowed humans to choose between good and evil. After sinning by choosing evil, human capacity of thinking, learning, relating and behaving were affected negatively. As a consequence, education was a „must” for the human being and had to be implemented by God at the beginning and then, by the people of God, instructed previously by him. A good approach to understand education is the Jewish and Christian education sistem implemented by God, and used by his people up to these days, with necessary improvement în any stage of their lives.
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