
  • Conf. univ. dr. habil. Cristian Vasile Petcu University Ovidius, Constanța, Romania



Liberty, Orthodox, Crisis, Global


Human Freedom in Eastern Christianity in the Context of Contemporary Global Crises.
The Fundamental crisis of Orthodoxy, which the Christian believer experiences in every Christian Liturgy, is represented by the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. This crisis is so overwhelming for the Christian believer that, during the liturgical event, alongside Christ, he passes from the trembling and agonizing state of death to the fascinating  ecstatic state of the Resurrection, thus going through, in a real and complete way, itself the redemptive work that Christ performs in the Eucharistic act: Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Transfiguration and Ascension. Following the model of this type of divine work, the Church reveals itself to the world as a factor causing a permanent eschatological crisis, because its liturgical space expresses the tension in which the world is called to live like Christ, Who, at the same time, although he is part of the world and is in the world as a man, remains beyond her and her dimensions as God. It is the call to experience permanent eschatological, transfiguring tensions, based on the  universal crisis of the crucifixion experienced by Christ on Golgotha. This is also the reason why the message of the Cross constituted for the Christian faithful, in concrete fact throughout the history of the Church, the most authentic message of crisis. In the present study we propose to present the fundamental aspects of the Orthodox liturgical  space as a solution offered to the global crises of humanity today. 


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LIBERTATEA UMANĂ ÎN SPAȚIUL CREȘTIN RĂSĂRITEAN ÎN CONTEXTUL CRIZELOR GLOBALE CONTEMPORANE. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(1), 532-555.