
  • Fr. Prof. habil. Mihai Himcinschi, PhD University “1 December 1918” of Alba Iulia, Romania




mission, Church, digitalization, anthropocentrism, deification, grace, communion, eschatology


Homo Digitus as a Missionary Challenge in the Context of Digitisation.
The issue of technology and digitisation has become a kind of destiny of contemporary man. Technology and education through digitisation seems to be the last frontier for the new generation. By its very nature, the technical tool is heterogeneous both for whoever uses it and for what it is used for: it is heterogeneous for man, for mind and for  meaning. Two elements always coexist in culture: the technical element and the organic element, and the definitive victory of the former over the latter marks something that is not in keeping with man and the purpose for which it was created. Technique remains alien to the symbols of the spiritual world, it reflects nothing, it creates a new reality,  everything in it is present and replaces the irrational organic element with the rational and autonomously organised element. Christian eschatology links the transfiguration of the earth and the world to the action of the Holy Spirit, while technical eschatology aspires to master the earth and the universe, to dominate them by means of mechanical instruments. The question of technology thus ultimately becomes a spiritual and religious problem, the solution to which will decide the fate of humanity. 


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How to Cite

HOMO DIGITUS AS A MISSIONARY CHALLENGE IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITISATION. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(1), 508-231. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10419847