digital education, the right to education, the higher education law, the Romanian education systemAbstract
The Right to Digital Education Reflected in the Content of the Higher Education Law in Romania.
In Romania, the Constitution guarantees the right to education, and this right can be manifested through different forms of education. Technology-mediated education is not new, being mentioned in each of the three education laws (1995, 2011, 2023), only with different nuances of expression, at the beginning more limited than giving it credit that it could bring true modeling of human personality. This may be one of the reasons why in Romania are delays in the digital transformation process in education compared to other states in the European Union. The new Romanian higher education law that entered into force in 2023 marks a turning point in the development of Romanian higher education and guarantees our country’s commitment to the irreversible path of digitization. This study aims, on the one hand, based on the last three education laws, to analyze the evolution of the acceptance and integration of technology, more specifically digital technology, in education, and, on the other hand, to show the premises the digital transformation of education in the coming years derived from the new law on higher education.
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