
  • Dr. Daniela Tolici, MBA Alianta Romania



Education, Digitalization, Divinity, Ethical dilemmas, Technology, Spiritual and religious practices, Moral responsibility


Education, Digitalization and Divinity.
This paper explores the complex and interconnected concepts of education, digitalization, and divinity in the contemporary world. The analysis delves into the key aspects of these concepts and their implications. The first section explores the three main key concepts, namely Education Digitalization, and Divinity, and the second section describes  the impact of digitalization on education from the perspective of the spiritual dimension. It discusses how digitalization has revolutionized education, enabling unprecedented access to spiritual resources, integration of spirituality in educational content, and the formation of virtual communities for spiritual interactions. The section also addresses  the challenges associated with the spiritual dimension in the digital era, such as information overload, the absence of direct human interaction, and concerns regarding data security and privacy. Opportunities and future directions in leveraging digitalization for spiritual education are also identified, including the development of emerging  technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence. This research paper also explores the ethical dilemmas and reflection themes that arise at the intersection of education, digitalization, and divinity. In an increasingly technologically driven world, the integration of technology in educational practices has become inevitable. However, the  ethical implications of this integration require careful consideration. By examining these ethical dilemmas and reflection themes, this research paper aims to provide insights and generate discussions that can contribute to the development of ethical frameworks and practices at the intersection of education, digitalization, and divinity. Overall, the  paper underscores the profound influence of digitalization on education and the potential it holds for integrating spirituality into the educational process. It highlights the need for mindful and adaptive approaches to harness the benefits of digitalization while addressing the challenges and ensuring a balanced and relevant educational experience  in the digital age. 


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How to Cite

EDUCAȚIE, DIGITALIZARE ȘI DIVINITATE. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(1), 409-427.