
  • Prof. Andreea Puiescu Liceul „Ion Heliade Rădulescu” din Targoviște, Romania



freedom, religion, public space, Christianity, humanity


Human Freedom Authentic Expression of Values.

Human freedom is always the direct expression of the values that man cultivates and what he believes. Between freedom and values there is a close, direct and necessary connection. Therefore, the greater the degree of inner freedom, the greater the degree of social and public freedom, as well as the deepening of the world of values. Religious  freedom is the barometer of a society’s freedom, and trends in public curtailment of liberty first, always, as history testifies, begin with the curtailment of religious freedom. Values are the expression of God’s will, authentic values, and living life according to them is an advance on freedom. Freedom is, then, what supports the deepening of values.


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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA UMANĂ, EXPRESIE AUTENTICĂ A VALORILOR. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(3), 431-435.