
  • Drd. Flaviu Andrei Pop Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania



1 Corinthians, conflict, civil court, community, human values, church


The Problem of Resolving Disputes between Believers at the Seat of Civil Judgment.

In the present research we want to address one of the problems affecting the unity of the church in Corinth, namely the resolution of disputes between believers at the civil court. For this we will analyze the biblical passage from 1 Cor. 6:1-11, exegetically presenting the solutions proposed by the apostle Paul to restore harmony in the life of the  Corinthian community. We believe that the solutions provided by Paul for the church at that time are relevant and welcome in the various conflictual situations the church faces today. For a better understanding of Paul’s position on the situation of the church in Corinth we will also analyze the context of the passage under consideration. In this way  we will be able to clearly identify the authorial intention and to distinguish the central principles of the pericope from the potential misinterpretations that some scholars of 1 Corinthians have arrived at.


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How to Cite

PROBLEMA REZOLVĂRII DISPUTELOR DINTRE CREDINCIOȘI LA SCAUNUL DE JUDECATĂ CIVILĂ. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(3), 336-349.