Human rights, freedom of conscience, religious tolerance, Judeo-Christian influenceAbstract
Human Rights, Freedom of Conscience, Religious Tolerance and Judeo-Christian Influence.
In the present work we will analyze, on a first level, the connection between the concept of human rights and freedom of conscience viewed distinctly and the elements of a religious nature that stand behind these concepts. Currently there are two major approaches to the existence of a link between rights and freedoms, on the one hand, and religious concepts on the other. Thus, there are authors who accept and implicitly support a real connection between them and religious language, and some even consider this connection indissoluble, while other authors consider that, in fact, religion restricts the full manifestation of these fundamental rights and freedoms through norms and customs its. There is an easily perceptible symmetry between the two ways of relating to the mentioned concepts. The second level of analysis points out in particular the similarities and differences between human rights and freedom of conscience, concepts that are often considered synonymous. In our analysis we will show that although they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are essentially two distinct realities. In the same framework, we will also highlight the significant differences between religious freedom and tolerance that fall into two independent taxonomic categories. The examples used use historical landmarks on an axis of intersectionality between religion, history and politics and are intended to help us conceptualize the theoretical elements underlying the concepts presented.
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