Tolerance, Christianity, Judaism, paganism, heresy, Gnosticism, Apostolic Fathers, Church FathersAbstract
The Language and the Attitude of the Christians Towards „Others” in the Second Century A.D.
A large part of the Christian history is stained with blood and violence regarding other religious options. But, the humble and non-violentic beginning of the Christianity didn’t announce this turn of attitude. In this article we study the second century Christian writings for analyzing the attitude they exposed towards „others”. In that period „others” meant pagan religions and philosophy, Judaism and judaizing Christian cults and heretic movements. We will see that the terms used by Christians regarding „others”, the attitude adopted, the action taken and the motivation developed were a natural response to the contact with ideologic competitors. For this stage of Christian history, there is no hint of what will became later a discourse of intolerance and violence.
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