family, school, human valuesAbstract
The Role of the Family and the School in Transmitting Human Values by Ensuring Fundamental Needs.
Values and character have generated many discussions in recent years. Society has been bombarded with immoral actions by politicians, businessmen, doctors, other public figures in various fields of activity or ordinary people. Children can be easily influenced by what is happening around them. Raising a child is a lot like developing a tree. In order for a tree to grow strongly, it needs a healthy genetic heritage, the best soil, water, fertilizer, pruning, sunlight and storm protection. The same elements are needed in raising a child and the family and school occupy an important place in this process. To educate a child in the spirit of enduring values - just like the tree in Psalm 1:3: “He is like a tree planted by a spring of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, and all the leaves do not wither: what begins leads to the end”- is a difficult task in a secular world. Values give the feeling that you have a purpose in life. Guides the means and purposes of actions. These are the standards by which behavior is measured.
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