
  • Pr. Lect. univ. dr. Ionuț Adrian Ghibanu Arhiepiscopia Targoviștei



freedom, religion, values, ideology, economy


Religious Freedom Between Values, Ideologies and Economics.

Religious freedom is a fundamental value of the Euro-Atlantic space and a necessity for the authentic manifestation of freedom of conscience, of the naturalness of the human soul. Religious freedom depends fundamentally on the lens through which we look at it, and the only authentic way is that of personal ascetic commitment and ecclesial  communion. Freedom has different connotations in the political, economic or religious public space, but the authentic meaning is that of Revelation. All other perspectives retain only a reflection of the true meaning of freedom. The concept of freedom influences our lives and choices, but it has also created different political and social ideologies  nd systems. In the economic space, the concept is tributary to the medieval Protestant perspective, but today, various ideological influences tend to reduce economic freedom only to statist non-interventionism and freedom from any pressure outside the regulation of supply and demand, the foundation of the free market economy.


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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA RELIGIOASĂ ÎNTRE VALORI, IDEOLOGII ȘI ECONOMIE. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(3), 31-36.