priesthood, truth, world, ideology, creationAbstract
TRUTH, Fundamental Value of the World, Actualized Through Priesthood.
The plan according to which God created the world consists of a constant that gives meaning and direction to all existence. This constant is the Truth. We do not speak here about a relative truth, but about the Absolute Truth, the Son of God incarnated into man, who says about Himself, „I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. ( John 14:6). The world is thus made to aspire to the Creator, to transfigure and to be in a gracious relationship with Him. Here, man has a crucial role. Since impersonal creation cannot relate to God who is a Trinity of Persons, the Creator placed in its midst the man created in His image; that is, a creature with whom He can establish such an intimate relationship, that through it He can unite with Himself the whole created world. Man has, therefore, the calling to put the whole world before the Creator as a sacrifice, therefore, an ontological sacerdotal vocation. Man is the priest who is meant to update in himself and then in the whole creation, the Truth that is the foundation of the world. This mission, however, can be missed by man. We do not mean that he can stop from his work of transfiguring the world, because this is impossible, it is a fact from which he cannot escape. The way he can miss his vocation is the replacement of the Truth with an idea that he considers the measure of all things. This is the case with ideologies. They reduce the world to ideas which they substitute for the Truth, and since man has in himself the calling to permanently update the creation, he will do so in this case, not according to the Truth, but according to the idea which he substitutes for it. That is why ideologies transform people who should be priests of creation, into idolatrous priests, who no longer serve the ruth, but ideas. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that The man has this vocation to be a priest of creation, that is to transform the world according to a transcendent principle. This transcendent principle is the truth. If the truth is absent or corrupted the man becomes a idolatrous priest, who transfigures the creation according to an ideea. In this way the priest of creation becomes an ideologist and he miss his vocation.
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