
  • Simina Georgiana Cherecheș, PhD Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania



religion, human qualities, freedom, norms, morality, ethics, virtue, freedoms, limits


Human Values and Religious Freedom.

What can be exposed by detailing and deepening human values, what constitutes morality, ethical sense and the criteria by which a man can keep a balance in his social life, in his family and in his environment is conditioned by the religious boundary that separates what is considered to be moral and immoral. Religious freedom is conditioned by  certain patterns by which man can appropriate certain actions that he commits, this conditioning creates some barriers to the free expression of the human entity by exposing what is considered acceptable both by the church and by the society that is so influenced by different religious trends. It is religion that unites people, that urges them to  charitable actions, to create an environment in which society can function normally, in which peace and fairness are guided by actions based on solidarity, which is a far greater motivational impetus than that which government institutions impose to maintain peace and order. A man’s moral qualities can only be attained in subtle ways that touch  his conscience and the path to peace and love and from these two things a man can become an outstanding person in society, a role model and a man who sees the limit in everything around him.


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How to Cite

ASPECTS OF HUMAN VALUES AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(2), 491-497.