aesthetics of happiness, beauty, creative crises, the illusion of happinessAbstract
The Aesthetics of Happiness and the Phenomenologic Carpe Diem.
The article sets out to analyse the fundamentals of the term happiness and to reinterpret them comprehensively: humanity and its general effects discovered in literature and the sciences which do not have a meaning, and do not understand what this present term at the past-present mode represents, yet symbolised either real – perverted in success and materiality, either illusory – not ever discovered. The societal carpe diem which relies on authority and power. However, the meanings of the notion of happiness can be best discovered by their associative framing with the idea of beauty. Yet, since Antiquity an elementay thing has been discovered: beauty is tough! Similarly, the highest feeling is difficult to comprehend and its reduction to primal, prior to the individual physiological sensations is much easier – hereditary, or subsequent: satiety, power, excitement. Eventually, what multiplicatively triggers pleasure in the world population has a heterogenous nature, and the way in which each of us relates to the novel leads to the discovery of multiple meanings to happiness. If not reduced to heredity or hormones of the central nervous system, it means that it also assumes egological formative, educational developments. And the highest form of education refers to the aesthetic attitude – to purely and simply selfless beauty.
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