
  • Drd. Alexandru Ivan Universitatea din București, Romania



anabaptist, freedom of conscience, discipleship, religious tolerance, Lord Supper, communitarian dimension


The Two Fundamental Doctrines of Anabaptist Theology in Supporting the Freedom of Conscience Principle.

The anabaptist movement is different from the other religious movements that took place in the 16th century. Its accent put on the authority of the Scripture is key for the promotion of the freedom of conscience. Its goal was to obtain religious tolerance in times of confessional struggles. Our study is a reflection on two anabaptist doctrines which  incorporate the principle of the freedom of conscience in its communitarian dimension. These two doctrines are: the doctrine of discipleship and the doctrine of Lord’s Supper. In the anabaptist understanding, the following of Christ means one voluntary decision which indicates an act of true liberty in the human conscience. After his integration in  the body of Christ, the true disciple of Christ will commemorate His death and His resurrection from a symbolic perspective. From our perspective, the anabaptist point of view about the doctrine of Lord’s Supper and the doctrine of discipleship, is important for the evangelicals, because trough them, they can understand the religious freedom of  conscience in its communitarian perspective.


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DOUĂ DOCTRINE FUNDAMENTALE ALE TEOLOGIEI ANABAPTISTE ÎN SUSȚINEREA PRINCIPIULUI LIBERTĂȚII DE CONȘTIINȚĂ. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(2), 419-433.