
  • Ps. Asist.univ.dr. Beniamin Laurențiu Chircan Conferința Oltenia, Craiova, Romania



dignity, human rights, seventh day, Sabbath, creation, rest


The Sabbath and the Human Dignity.

In this paper I underlined the value of the human being, as it is affirmed by the seventh day Sabbath, and its implications for the human rights. The inherent dignity and equality of the human beings that is affirmed in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, can be inferred already from the biblical legislation that secured the right to weekly  rest for all humans and the benefits of the sabbatical year for the residents, regardless of their status or position in the social hierarchy. But this dignity is based and secured by means of a paradox. What is the fundament of the human dignity? Is there any limit to it and what is the purpose of such limit? I have found the answer in the very existence  of the seventh day Sabbath. Following R. Soloveitchik’s model of the two Adams, I explored the relation between the human dignity and the Sabbath.


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How to Cite

SABATUL ȘI DEMNITATEA UMANĂ. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(2), 338-350.