
  • Anca-Georgiana Drăgan-Moldoveanu University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
  • Assoc. Prof. Emanuel Adrian Sârbu, PhD, PhD Habil University of Bucharest, Faculty of Baptist Theology



drugs, addiction, recovering process, values, Christian values, holistic approach


Christian Faith as a Value in Recovering Drug Addicts.

Over the years, the problem of drug consumption led the discussions in two major directions, namely the prevention strategies and intervention methods. For an intervention method to be effective, it must have a holistic approach that includes the physical, emotional, socio-professional, and spiritual side of the addict. This is necessary because  when a drug user reaches the point to experience addiction, this affects all aspects of his life: his beliefs, his values, and eventually, his behaviors. Behaviors such as lying, manipulating, stealing, are very specific to someone who would do anything to have money for the next dose. Therefore, in the recovering process of an addict, a new change of  his personal values plays an important role. He needs to learn new, healthy behaviors, and Christian values can be a solid foundation for this.


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How to Cite

CHRSITIAN FAITH AS A VALUE IN RECOVERING DRUG ADDICTS. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 650-665.