human values, environmental protection, financial instruments, sustainabilityAbstract
Human Values and Environmental Protection Reflected in Financial Structures and Instruments Used in Romania.
It is obvious that human activity is currently leading to environmental degradation. For this reason, new development models must be identified that allow protecting the bearing capacity of the environment, the only way being the reduction of the intensity of pollution caused by human activity and the promotion of human values in balance with nature. In this sense, in our opinion, economic development can only be sustained if the protection of the environment is ensured. Otherwise, the gradual erosion of the environment will lead to the impossibility of economic growth and imbalances in human values. In our paper, we propose, based on empirical research, to define environmental protection reflected in the structures and financial instruments used in Romania. Moreover, given the European Green Deal applicable until 2050, which leads us to argue that this agreement is only possible by appealing to human and ecosystem values.
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