
  • Drd. Denisa Maria Vîlceanu



religion, human behavior, values, religious behavior, religiosity


Religion and Human Behavior.

Religious values are those that represent the principles and behaviors adopted by people according to the religion or dogma they profess. That are values that appear described in religious books or sacred texts and that have been passed down through human history from one generation to another. They are not values imposed by society.  Religious values are similar to ethical values and all that is considered socially correct, such as respect and honesty, which are taught at home, at school, and in society at large. Religious values are special because they try to make people change their behavior in the face of feelings of resentment, evil, envy, selfishness or other negative feelings that  do not support reconciliation, kindness, love and respect. That is, they are values that incite individuals and society in general to act rightly, without doing or harming others.


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How to Cite

RELIGIA ȘI COMPORTAMENTUL UMAN. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 429-438.