
  • C.Ș.I dr. Veronica Turcuș Institutul de Istorie „George Barițiu” al Academiei Române - Filiala Cluj-Napoca




education, Post-communist Romania, human values, educational policies


Directions of Education Development in Post-Communist Romania on the Coordinates of the Reconsideration of Human Values and Religious Freedom.

The development of education in Romania over the last 30 years was realized in the context of the reaffirmation of human values, against the background of overcoming uniformism and the constraints specific to the communist period. The positive results of the evolution of the educational system, improved under the conditions of the  disappearance of the imposed ideological coercions, are the respect for religious freedom, internationalization, the revival of private education, freedom of academic movement, the overturning of centralism and the restoration of university autonomy, the facilitation of access to higher education, the emphasis on tertiary education and on lifelong  learning, the diversification of training and the emergence of alternative education, transdisciplinarity in training, curriculum restructuring, the digitization of the entire education system (which went through distinct stages over the various decades, taking a particular turn in 2020). There were, of course, also negative effects, with a visible impact  through the emergence of so-called functional illiteracy, correlated with school dropout. Among the negative effects, mainly, the incoherence of decisions in the educational field, in the context of periods of governmental instability, as well as the insufficiency of the budget allocated to education.


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DIRECȚII ALE DEZVOLTĂRII ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNTULUI DIN ROMÂNIA POSTDECEMBRISTĂ PE COORDONATELE RECONSIDERĂRII VALORILOR UMANE ȘI LIBERTĂȚII RELIGIOASE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 308-344. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7391291