church values, freedom of association, freedom of religion, ministry philosophy, church covenantAbstract
Ecclesial Values: Freedom and Restrictions in the Exercise of the Right of Religious Association.
The question this study tries to answer is whether the condition of agreeing with the values of a church in order to be accepted as a member is a violation of freedom of association and freedom of religion. In order to answer such a question, concepts such as ministry philosophy, church values and the church covenant were analyzed. First, the article explains what are the elements that make up a church ministry philosophy and the place of values in it. The understanding of human values and ecclesial values were then examined, leading to the conclusion that the definition of a church’s values contributes to its effectiveness. International and national human rights regulations offer the freedom of a faith community to establish its doctrine and practices, which means that freedom of association is not violated by conditioning membership in a church to accept the values of that church.
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