
  • Pr. dr. Daniel-Adrian Neagu Editura Viață și Sănătate
  • Prof. log. Gabriela-Alina Neagu



human dignity, Adventist church, education, curriculum, children, students, Bible, teachers, human rights, philosophy, health, creation


The Concept of Human Dignity Reflected in the Philosophy of Adventist Education

The concept of human dignity is today fundamental in the working philosophy of most areas of activity. He, however, needs to be anchored in reality, and transposed into the working policies of organizations. In this study we will analyze the  educational philosophy of the Adventist Church from the perspective of human dignity, trying to see how these educational values are based on this principle and in what way is they are understood and applied. The Adventist Church coordinates  an educational system spread over 100 countries, consisting of more than 8500 schools, colleges and universities. The Philosophy of Adventist Education is based on several fundamental principles and all of them show the importance given to  human dignity– the value of man as created being, the epistemological authority of the Bible, the dignity of work, the inability of personal salvation, respect and care for the other, the development of a healthy lifestyle, respect for nature and continuous  education.


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How to Cite

CONCEPTUL DEMNITĂȚII UMANE REFLECTAT ÎN FILOZOFIA EDUCAȚIEI ADVENTISTE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 7(2), 367-376.