Holocaust, Romania, sects, Baptist, Orthodox Church, TransnistriaAbstract
Baptists and the Holocaust in Romania. Or How the "Human Repentance" and Jews Were Denied Human Dignity in Romania in 1940-1944
In this paper (Baptist Believers and the Holocaust in Romanian. Or how Human Dignity in Antonescu’s Romania was Denied to the Sectarians and to the Jews) the author brings to attention a rather neglected theme in Romanian historiography. He opens a discussion regarding the religious persecution endured by Baptists and members of other Christian denominations in Romania under the dictatorship of General Antonescu and presents evidence to show that between 1940 and 1944 believers of smaller Christian denominations were treated in a similar manner in which the Jewish community was treated during the Holocaust in Romania (and in other territories under Romanian administration). He also gives details regarding the massacres of the Jewish population deported in Transnistria in Golta region and also regarding the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards persecutions and deportations of Jews and members of some Christian denominations viewed as dangerous sects for the Romanian nation.
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