dignity, liberty, heresies, Enlightement, Islam, radical Protestants, Trinity, Socianismo-TurkismAbstract
Dignity and Freedom in Divergent Associations. Socianismo-Turkism
The aim of this article, apart from the fact that it shows how the exchange of heresies from one religion to another occurs, is to demonstrate that dignity and freedom of expression must be respected even when the orthodoxy of any religion is questioned. This historical journey puts us face to face, on the one hand with the „heresy transfer”, on the other hand with what can be beneficial from this transfer. To a certain extent this „transfer” was made under the emblem of the decartian thinking of „dubito ergo sum, cogito ergo sum”. Doubt is as healthy as spices. It is beneficial because it stimulates critical thinking. Used in exaggerated proportions it can disorient us existentially. Axiological change is auspicious at times, but the removal of the fundamental landmarks can be equal to the spiritual and moral extinction. In any case, religious freedom remains the best solution for such a heterogeneous world.
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