religion, the sacred, religious experience, freedom, dignityAbstract
Religious Experience as Basis for Human Freedom and Dignity
Religion decisively involves transcendence, the revelation of the “Word” and the human behaviour in relation with them. The relation that comes into existence when the human being meets God and which manifests in front of one’s conscience is what we call a “religious experience”. It is first and foremost individual and it has its own referent called “the sacred”. Religious experience exists and can be understood only in relation to this referent. It awakens into us an inner life where conscience opens itself to God, experiencing sensations and perceptions that belong to transcendence. God reveals himself to our conscience, and sensations and perceptions gain new dimensions, by experiencing love, kindness, gentleness, God’s forgiveness and personal freedom and dignity. Listening and obeying God become desire, they restore dignity and make the individual happy for the freedom of staying in relationship with God and having a continuous religious experience.
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