the Great War, Romanian society, humanism, freedom of conscience, national interestAbstract
Humanism and Conscience: A Perspective on War in Romanian Society (1914-1920)
Romanian modernity is undoubtedly characterized by nation’s aspirations to become visible as a state in the south-eastern Europe and to fulfil the dream of uniting the territories with the majority of Romanian population. The First World War was the favourable background to accomplish that national dream but there was an enormous price to pay. For that reason disputes and debates between politicians were fierce and heated. However, Romania’s entering the war, alongside Entente, in August 1916, huge sacrifices and the victory of the Allies contributed to the Great Unification of 1918. Despite it all, there were humanistic opinions on war expressed, like in other countries involved in the conflict. Our article aims at analyzing humanistic views that contradicted the interests of the Romanian Kingdom.
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