
  • Assoc. Prof. Brîndușa Covaci, PhD Centre for Mountain Economy of the Romanian Academy
  • Assoc. Prof. Mihai Covaci, PhD Hyperion University, Bucharest



conscience, evolution and principality, mountain social development model, mountains of the world continents, mountain people


The mountain population living in the most relevant mountain areas of the world is organized in various social forms, its principles and development being different in time and space. The organization of the mountain population in a certain area  depends on factors such as the altitude at which certain activities take place, the degree of social cohesion of people in an area, the systemsof socio-cultural and religious values of the studied group, etc. However, the mountain population of the  world can be seen as a whole as it is defined by features common to this area. Among these characteristics can be listed the principality, social and mental verticality, independence and autonomy - attitudes  eveloped by the roughness and  harshness of mountain life. Even after leaving the mountain space, the inhabitants of these lands remain steadfast to the characteristic mountain principles and consciousness.  


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How to Cite

MOUNTAIN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT MODELS, BETWEEN PRINCIPALITY, CONSCIENCE AND EVOLUTION. AN OVERVIEW. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(3), 475-490.