posthuman, eros, cyborg, soul, consumer societyAbstract
It was digital and the spectacle of posthumanism.
Today’s literature and culture is focused on a dissociated anthropocentrism, in the sense that corporality is increasingly reified, supports a progressive mechanization of intimacy. The body, like a huge library, in which the links interact as organs, demonstrating the deeply bookish nature of the contemporary scribe or as a laboratory for making strong sensations, acquired after commercials and the media coverage of an intense exposure policy, or as a simple expression of a derisory mercantilism, focused only on consumption, declares its priority and exclusivity in relation to the soul. The idea of love comes to a standstill, as its enemies are no longer religious conscience and the „morality of abstinence,” but „promiscuity, which turns it into fun, and money, which turns it into slavery.” (Octavio Paz).1 The present study seeks to answer the questions: what is the relationship between body and soul in today’s literature, what are the benefits of cyborg poetics and human expansion towards a posthuman virtual?
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